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Slow Roll to Reopening Ensemble

Ensemble Coworking

Dear Ensemble Community:

This has been a tough time for all of us. 😩 We miss the hustle and bustle of hard work within the walls of Ensemble. We miss the buzz of chatter and laughter. We miss you. We miss us as a community and we look forward to when we are all back together again “getting stuff done” together. 👫👬👭

As the new orders from the Governor came down a few days ago, the team discussed how we will begin to reopen Ensemble. Fort Worth and the rest of the state begins to wake up starting May 1st 😰 and before we made any decisions we took into consideration each and every one of you and what is best for you as our community. While we want Ensemble up and running as normal we are uber aware of continuing to stay safely distanced and keeping our space clean ✨ during this time. With that being said, the following are our new procedures starting the beginning of May📅 and continuing until the end of May or until new orders are passed by the Governor.

🕒 NEW normal operating hours: 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday. This is when Clint, a Conductor or myself will be in the space to assist you, make coffee, etc.

🚫 Conference rooms non-members: not available for booking

💢 Conference rooms members: available to book with the adjusted number of people as follows -

  • Jam Session: no more than 4

  • Band Room: no more than 6 (2 per table)

  • Orchestra Room: no more than 14 (1 per table)

✅ Conference room usage

  • Book room as usual

  • When booking, please tell us how many guests to expect

  • Inform Community Manager or Conductor when done so we can properly clean the room

  • Please remove cups or anything else you or a guest brought into the room

  • We will not be providing water or coffee to your guests throughout the month of May until we get further away from the pandemic. You may fetch coffee or water for them if you choose.

  • Do not let your guest enter the kitchen.

  • Inform your guests to only use the restrooms or the room they are in. We discourage guests from taking tours or wandering the space at this time.

❗ Phone Booths

  • We will not always know when you use a phone booth so we ask that you disinfect the phone booth desk, handles, light switches, etc. yourself. Your help is much appreciated.

🤸‍♂️ Open Coworking

  • Open coworking members will be provided with one of the single desks in open coworking during the month of May with possible extension into June. This way only 1 person uses the desk and you can be assured of no cross contamination. This is first come, first serve. There are currently 5 sit/stand desks left, 1 under the Ensemble sign, and 4 next to the big wall. There are 3 non-adjustable desks under the Ensemble sign. Your desk will be appropriately labeled with your name and company so no one else uses it.

  • The 4 seat sit/stand table will be used as come and go coworking along with the two tall-top tables in the middle of open coworking.

🛀 Cleaning

  • Every day at the top of the hour we will disinfect handles, door pushes, countertops and sink handles in the kitchen, bathrooms and enter/exit doors.

  • We need your help with assistance in cleaning as much as possible while you are in the space.

  • Cleaning supplies are located in opening coworking and dedicated desk along with plastic gloves if you prefer.

  • Face masks! We are not requiring the wearing of masks at this time. It is your preference to wear one if you choose.

🙌 Conductors

  • To respect the wishes of our Conductors, they will not be coming back for several months. We have multiple conflicts with children at home and concerns about health.

  • For the time being, Clint and Tamara will be covering the front desk and handling any member and space issues.

  • We appreciate your understanding during this time.

  • If you know anyone who might be interested in being a Conductor, please have them contact Clint.

👉 Events

  • All events for the month of May will remain VIRTUAL

  • We’ve added a weekly Work Sprint to further help those of you who are working from home in staying productive and getting stuff done.

  • We conduct our virtual events via ZOOM. Download it to your computer or smartphone for meetings.

👀 Workspace Rules: we want to do everything we can to keep you safe and healthy now and always. We ask that you abide by the following guidelines as we reenter working together.

  • Ok, let’s be real. Use common sense when it comes to getting back to some kind of normal.

  • Do NOT come to Ensemble if you are feeling sick at all, have a fever (anything above 99), or a cough that is undiagnosed. We understand seasonal allergies. We’ve all got them.

  • Do NOT come to Ensemble if you have been around anyone with COVID-19 within the least 2 weeks.

  • Upon entering Ensemble, please 🧼🖐 wash your hands ...well wash your hands frequently throughout the day and don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth if possible.

  • Stay 6 feet apart when in common areas and as much as possible.

  • Honor your co-worker's space and each other’s comfort when it comes to space.

We appreciate all of you for your commitment to our community, to Ensemble and to helping keep us afloat during this difficult time.

Please reach out to any of the team with any questions or concerns.

With Appreciation!

The Ensemble Team


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